The Burial of The Hon. Senator Henchi Balos

Bikinian Senator

September 19, 2000


Senator Henchi Balos was buried on September 19, 2000 just after sundown. The funeral was attended by several thousand people who crowded in to witness as Senator Balos was eulogized by the President of the RMI, the Hon. Kessai Note, and by several of his fellow senators.


The Honor Guard of the Kili/Bikini/Ejit Local Government carried Senator Balos to the funeral site in Ajeltake of Majuro Atoll.


The Senator at rest before the eulogies.


The spokesperson for the Leroij, or traditional owner of the land where the burial was to take place, makes a few remarks.


Bikini Atoll Local Government Consultant Johnny Johnson was the emcee and read a very emotional tribute to the late Senator Balos.


The Hon. Senator Justin Debrum from Ujae Atoll makes some remarks on behalf of the Alap, another land owner.


The Hon. Christopher Loeak makes remarks on behalf of the family of Senator Balos.


Roger Joel makes remarks on behalf of the senator's mother. 


Kotak Loeak makes remarks on behalf of the House of Iroij.


The Hon. Mayor Tomaki Juda makes remarks on behalf of the Kili/Bikini/Ejit Local Government Council.


The Hon. Litokwa Tomeing spoke on behalf of the RMI government.


The children of Senator Balos before the burial sang two songs to honor their father.


The daughters of Senator Balos shortly before the burial.


The sons and son-in-laws of Senator Balos carry the coffin to where it was sealed in a tomb.


The Hon. President Kessai Note presents the eldest son of Senator Balos, Mighty Balos, with the RMI flag.


All Photos © Jack Niedenthal

View Pictures of the Government Memorial Service for Senator Balos

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What Senator Henchi Balos meant to the People of Bikini.


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kindle The historical information within this site, while constantly updated, is drawn largely from the book, FOR THE GOOD OF MANKIND: A History of the People of Bikini and their Islands, Second Edition, published in September of 2001 by Jack Niedenthal. This book tells the story of the people of Bikini from their point of view via interviews, and the author's more than two decades of firsthand experiences with elder Bikinians.

Copies can be purchased from this direct ordering link at, or you can also buy and download the Kindle edition.